Thursday, November 18, 2010

We've gone coocoo for CoCo Puffs


This past week since Evelyn was out of school, we volunteered to take the class guinea pig, CoCo Puffs, home and take care of her. We have absolutely loved having her and the girls have really enjoyed her. Well, Evelyn has enjoyed her, Camille is not too sure about her. Evelyn gets to take her out of her cage once a day and let CoCo Puffs roam around in her room. The door is closed ofcourse or Ruffles and Fraizer would have CoCo Puffs for lunch. The guinea pig is soo sweet and never bites. She is pretty easy to take care of as well. This was a good experience for us because Evelyn wants to buy a small pet with her Christmas money after we get back. (This will give her something to look forward to when we get back) At first she thought she wanted fish, then maybe a guinea pig, but now she wants something smaller than a guinea pig. Perhaps hampsters. We looked at some at a pet store this week and I told her she would not be able to take them out of the cage like CoCo because they may get lost (they are very active) but she really like them and loves how they run on a wheel and climb through a tunnel. Well CoCo Puff has been a delight and she will return back to the classroom on Sunday.

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