Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010


I would first like to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. We are so thankful for all of our blessings. We are especially thankful for all of our family and friends. We feel like we are the luckiest family to have so many people who love and care about us. Thanks so much to all of you who have supported us this year with our big move. We could not have survived it without all of your love, support, and prayers. I have to thank God as well for all of my blessing he has given me: a wonderful husband and two precious little girls. God is good.

We had a great Thanksgiving. The girls and I worked today to prepare our mini Thanksgiving Feast and Lance worked. He was not planning on going to work today, but there were some last minute things that came up and he was needed. All is well, I did not see why he needed to take the day off on our account, we spent the evening together eatting and hanging out as a family. I have to give myself a pat on the back over my menu. Lance does not like most of the traditional Thanksgiving food, but I tried to stick to the usuals. I had roasted turkey breast and gravy, mashed potatoes, rice dressing, green bean casserole, rolls, and dessert: bread pudding. It all turned out really well. Everyone liked the dinner as well. As you can see in the pictures, we taste tested the bread pudding before dinner and ate almost half the dish. Lance loves bread pudding.

While the girls and I were waiting for Lance to get home we watched Julie and Julia. That move is so cute and I really liked it. If you have not seen it you need to. I could relate the Julie because it is a story about her writing a blog. Really cute. But I was super super excitted to see that the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade come on TV here. I just could not believe it. In fact I told several people about thanksgiving and how we always watch that parade in the morning. The girls were loving the parade and were dancing and Camille was screming at the TV.

I do miss seeing you all today, but I am not depressed because we will be home in 3 weeks from tomorrow. Wow that is coming up quick. I do miss reading the huge sales ads today though. It was always fun to see the amazing sales that were going to happen on Black Friday. Well I guess I can check them out on line.

After we ate supper and skyped some of you, we started putting our Christmas decorations up. We have a small tree compared to my four that I had in Katy. We only brought 2 containers of decorations and left 20 boxes behind in storage. I brought tree ortaments, stocking, nativity scene, and my dad's letter he wrote to santa when he was 10. I have to admit I am releaved that I don't have to do all of that decorating this year. I used to spent one or two weekends putting everything together inside and out for the holidays. Although, I really love to decorate and to look at the results, I am excitted to not have all of that work to do. Just relax and enjoy the holiday. The girls were so cute in helping with the tree. We did have a few ortaments get broken. Camille mistaked a ball ortament for a real ball and she threw it on the ground like it was going to bounce. That was the first casulty of the night and 3 more followed. We ooooud and aaaud at all of the ortaments and talked about everyone and how pretty they were. It was just so cute how the girls got so excitted.

We had a great Thanksgiving and we hope you did too.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe Lance doesn't like traditional Thanksgiving fare. I've been eating it every meal since Thursday!
