Monday, October 4, 2010

We had a great day today. Melinda and Dennis really enjoyed their first day in Abu Dhabi. We all went to bring Evelyn to school and I think Melinda and Dennis were very impressed. Then I showed them around Abu Dhabi a little bit until we stopped at McDonalds for a breakfast that was familiar to them. We went and picked up a little groceries at Spinneys. Melinda was impressed with the grocery store and she was surprised to see lots of familiar things. Then we headed home for a lunch break and Camille's nap. We all went to pick Evelyn up from school and then I went to the police station to see about my stolen wallet. Basically we found out that if I filed a report it would be a lot of work for nothing. I am mainly concerned about getting my driver's license. I am going tomorrow to see about that. We ended our day at Lance's office. Melinda and Dennis got to meet all of the people working there and what Lance is doing. As Melinda would couldn't slap the smile off of their faces. They both shed a few tears at one time or the other as well. They are so proud to see Lance's new job. One man told Dennis that he was blessed because Lance was here now. He would never have had the opportunities to do the things he is doing without Lance. We are all so proud of him. All and all Melinda and Dennis had a great first day in Abu Dhabi.

1 comment:

  1. Aw what a nice comment about Lance and the opportunities, that must have been so nice to hear! I'm glad M and D made it there ok and you all are having a good time! Sorry about your wallet Nancy! Don't forget to watch out for identity theft too!
