Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Italy here we come...

Well we have had a very eventful month with mom and dad here. We have really enjoyed having them and we will miss them. I have so many pictures and videos that I will post adventually, but right now I just don't have the time. We are only two days away from leaving for our trip to Italy and I just want to pinch myself. I can not believe it is real...we are actually going to ITALY!!! Our suitacases are packed mostly and I am really proud of myself...only two suitcases for all four of us. That must be a record or something. Well, Lance hasn't packed all of his things so there is a chance that his stuff may mess up my "two suitcase parade". Other than getting ready for our trip and reading about Italy and brushing up on a few italian phrases we have been doing all of the normal daily stuff we do here. Evelyn had her recital a few weeks ago and was so precious. At one point during the show the smaller girls were dancing and a few were having a hard time getting the courage to get out there and dance...Evelyn came up to me and I thought OH no, Evelyn is getting nervous about performing. But she said "I got this Mom!" and walked back to her place. I videod and am going to try to post the video. She has started swimming lessons here in the compound as well and LOVES it. Camille wants to get into the pool so bad, I think she asks me atleast once a day "swimming pool?". So cute. The weather is nice and warming up here, but just not warm enough for Camille to get in. PLus this week she came down with a little cold and I didn't want to chance her getting worse. Camille seems to be talking more and more these days. She definately knows what she is saying but the rest of us don't have a clue. Evelyn is doing really good in school and has started to show signs of reading. This month her class is talking about insects especially ants. She captured an ant at school and brought it home as a pet. She named it Lilly. Suprising Lilly lasted almost a week in her jar with a small piece of plum. Evelyn discovered Lilly dead and we had to have a funeral service. So, Evelyn, Camille, Papa, and myself buried Lilly in the backyard. We each said a few words about Lilly and Evelyn even wrote her a letter. Rest in Peace Lilly. Well I just wanted to drop a note to everyone to let you guys know we are doing great and very excitted about our trip. Ciao!

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